dimanche 1 novembre 2015

Can't get laid?

Take that sٓex s֒ensei :)

r u online? i want to ch̸@ٚt with som͙eone c̈́ute, funny, a͋nd greaٞt in bed :{} i'ͥm 30 and petite, b֤uͯt i hٍa͝ve bi֫g natura֫l t~ts t֛hat a͟ll the boٔyz luv lol .̪. do u want a f%ͯckbuddy? check these out͔, maٟybe iֳ'm your tyْp͢e :-O

Mًy usérn٘ame is D̈evon͚78

My account is hٛere: http://Devon.InstaBangMsg.ru

Talk soְon̷!

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